Do you want to find a passion for fitness? Well, you don’t have to look like a built body to have a passion for fitness. You know, the feeling where you wake up and cannot wait to get out the door to work out. Or the midday itch to get a walk-in on your lunch break. Basically, the feeling that…
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Overwhelmed By The Future?
Focus on your next step of your main goal. Take it one step at a time.
If you feel overwhelmed by what you are trying to achieve, don’t focus on all of the things you have to do to get there.
“You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them. You can miss a person everyday, and still be glad that they’re no longer in your life.”
— Oprah
Balanced Nutrition
When your on a diet, allow yourself to have 1-3 more flexible meals each week, resembling you day of flexible eating.
Staying strict with your diet is good but it can have some drawbacks such as cheating more.
“Everybody that comes into your life matters…they are either a blessing or a lesson.”
— Unknown
“You know you are on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.”
— Unknown
Quote of the day
“Love’s greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches scarce.”
— Barbara De Angelis